Watch Our NEW Video Series: Just the Facts About the Vax We are committed to providing fact-based information from reliable and trusted resources to our clients regarding the COVID-19 vaccines. In this video series, Dr. LoFaso, Board Certified Internist at Amicus Medical Consulting, answers common questions and debunks myths surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines. Share With Your Peers! We encourage you to share this series with your team members to help each individual make the best decision for themselves and their families so that together, we can create a healthier workplace and community. For your convenience, we have also attached a flyer with QR codes that when scanned on your mobile camera, you will be able to view each video automatically! You can watch the video series in its entirety or find each individual question listed below. |
Just the Facts About the Vax Questions |
What types of reactions can I get from the different vaccines? PLAY VIDEO (40 Sec) Why should I get the COVID-19 vaccine? PLAY VIDEO (1 Min 29 Sec) Do I still need to wear a mask if I have been fully vaccinated? PLAY VIDEO (41 Sec) Is the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Safe? PLAY VIDEO (1 Min 48 sec) Should I delay my mammogram? PLAY VIDEO (1 Min 28 Sec) How do I speak to others who are hesitant about receiving the vaccine? PLAY VIDEO (1 Min 57 Sec) Should older children and young adults get vaccinated? PLAY VIDEO (2 Min 32 Sec) Do any of the vaccines contain the live virus? PLAY VIDEO (1 Min 21 Sec) Is there any research showing that receiving the vaccine causes infertility? PLAY VIDEO (42 Sec) Are the ingredients in the vaccine safe? PLAY VIDEO (1 Min 34 Sec) Can I get the vaccine if I am currently pregnant or lactating? PLAY VIDEO (1 Min 24 Sec) Were any of the vaccines developed with fetal tissue or cells? PLAY VIDEO (2 Min 23 Sec) Should I be concerned if I don’t have a reaction to the COVID-19 Vaccine? PLAY VIDEO (47 Sec) Do I still need the vaccine if I have had COVID-19? PLAY VIDEO (1 Min 20 Sec) What is a titer and why is it important when understanding COVID-19 vaccines? PLAY VIDEO (2 Min 3 Sec) Can I still get COVID-19 even if I have been vaccinated? PLAY VIDEO (2 Min 53 Sec) How long does protection from a COVID-19 vaccine last? PLAY VIDEO (2 Min 9 Sec) Can you explain what vaccine shedding is? Is it a side effect of the COVID-19 vaccines? PLAY VIDEO (4 Min 47 Sec) |
About Dr. LoFasoAmicus Medical Consulting was founded by Dr. Peter LoFaso. As a board-certified internal medicine physician, Dr. LoFaso has over 20 years of clinical medicine experience. He has treated patients in the settings of employer-sponsored health and wellness clinics, managed care organizations, as well as solo private practice. |
Questions?Billie Woodard, Education and Training | 800.244.3696 |